Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Twilight Continued


The coloration used in Twilight is very different to most other movies in Hollywood but is a reoccurring technique in Hardwicke's movies. The coloration throughout almost the entire movie is a blue/grey color making it almost look cold and icy, like the vampires in the movie. This coloration can also give us an idea and a feel of what the temperature of the place the movie was made in, Which is Fork's Washington, and is one of the coldest and rainiest towns in the continental USA. Hardwicke also uses this technique in twilight and her other movies (which is unique to her style) to compliment the narrative. This color changes in New Moon (the sequel) to possibly symbolize the introduction of the warm blooded wolves and their friendship, contrasted to the blue, icy color of twilight which may have represented the cold blooded vampires.

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