Thursday, April 7, 2011

Task one: Thirteen

Camera Movement

Catherine Hardwicke decided that this film would be on a very low budget (for a Holywood film) for only $2mil. As a result the camera was very small and had to be hand held most of the time except for one tracking scene where they used a supermarket trolly to film it. This gives the movie an indie feel which very much suits and the narrative and story line of the movie and gives a raw, real feel to it. It almost feels like your sitting in the scene it's self with them and sometimes it as used as a POV (point of view) shot so you can see exactly what a character is looking at.
An interesting example of camera movement Hardwicke uses in this film is when Tracey starts to get into a fight with her brother and the camera starts tilting to the side and creating an uncomfortable and raw view of the scene and symbolizes how unsteady her life and relationships are at the moment. The camera tilts from side to side a few times and it almost feels like the house is tilting with it. As her brother moves back and she moves forward towards him the camera tilts towards her brothers way and when her brother goes towards Tracey, the camera tilts towards her way making the audience feel uneasy and unstable just how Tracey's life is.
This scene alternates between the tilting and shaky zoom, fast in's that make the scene feel crowded and full of fear. This emphasize peoples emotions in this scene and builds a lot of tension effectively.

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