Thursday, April 7, 2011

Twilight Continued...again...

Fast and slow motion

Another important technique she uses in Twilight is the uses of slow motion. This is done in the editing stage of the film. Catherine uses this to dramatise important entrances and forces our eyes to concentrate on something about the person or what they are doing or what they look like. A few examples of this is when Bella and her friends are sitting at the cafeteria and Edward and the Cullen's walk in. The scene then goes into slow motion when they enter to show their power and magnificence. This, however does not last for very long as it goes back to normal pace after. This is very brief but very powerful and also introduces to the audience that these are main characters.
Another example of this is when Bella walks into to her Biology class and her entrance is in slow motion to force us, the audience to notice the fan behind her blowing her hair and then it cuts to Edward screwing up a piece of paper, almost in pain. This slow motion technique Hardwicke uses allows us to focus on an important part of the scene which could have a big significance to the movie as a whole. It doesn't exactly give us the answers but gives us a big clue to the story line of the movie.
Another example of slow motion Hardwicke uses in twilight is in the baseball scene when the Cullens invite Bella along to play baseball because there is going to be a thunder storm (this is the only time they can play the game). Slow motion and fast motion are used very effectively in this scene to show the excessive force and power these vampires have when they play this game. An example is when Alice say's "it's tim" and then then it goes into slow motion mode for a couple of seconds to show how graceful she is when she is about to throw the ball then it suddenly kicks in to fast motion to show the power she has when she throws the ball and how fast it's going. It then cuts to the balls in the air in slow motion then suddenly to fast motion when Roseanne whacks the ball to show her strength also. This is very effective and brings action into the film.

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