Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lords of Dogtown... Continued... again...

Fast/slow motion

This technique is used quite sparingly in Lords of Dogtown compared to Twilight, but Catherine Hardwicke cleverly uses it in one scene when the Z-Boy's have found a empty pool in someone's backyard and have claimed it as their own skating bowl. As people started to draw attention to these mysterious guys skating in this empty pool, a group of 'hot' girls show up and as they enter it goes into slow motion to add a dramatic statement to their entrance and the low angle above everyone else and that everyone should be looking at them. Each one of the boys tries to win their attention so they each skate around the ball past them. When this happens and they go past them it goes into slow motion to show their technique of the skate board and to get the audience focus on what is going on, which dramatizes the situation and builds tension. After the slow motion it suddenly goes back to normal mode to contrast.

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