Saturday, April 9, 2011

Task one: Thirteen continued


Hardwicke used the coloration in the film Thirteen very cleverly. The whole movie has a blue tone to it which is evident through out her other films including Twilight and Lords of Dogtown. It is also used as symbolism in the film.
The coloration is used to follow the downward spiral Tracey goes on. At the start of the movie when she was a good A grade student with a good spirit, the coloration is more saturated and colorful, showing the she has more color and liveliness in her life. This is contrasted to the end of he film when Tracey is in the worst part of her life after she has gotten in to drugs, sex and making bad decisions caused by her new friend Evie, where the saturation was low and mixed with a dark blue, icy color, representing the coldness and darkness that has over come her life. This is a subtle difference that changes slowly through out the movie but when you analyze the movie further you really notice it and makes us understand the film more.
Hardwicke also uses this technique bring a raw, real element to her film, different to other movies and to create her trade mark so people could recognize the films she has made.

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