Sunday, April 10, 2011

Task 2... continued...

Reading Two: Twilight

Psychological: wants and desires.

In the movie, Twilight, directed by Catherine Hardwicke, wants an desires are an essential part of the script, but they have underlying meanings behind them.
Bella Swan is a normal girl from a normal town who has had a normal life, but yet she falls in love with a vampire who could lash out and kill her at any moment. Why does she want and desire him? Why would someone so fragile want to be close with someone who only wants their blood? Of course we do not (usually) come across this problem in our everyday wants and desires but when we put ourselves in Bella Swans shoes, we have to think on a psychological level, what makes us wants a blood sucking vampire so bad.
I think humans are naturally attracted to the mysterious and the unknown. We want to know things that we don't already know so when we come across something so different and challenging or something that we can not easily read, we take the challenge on to try figure it out, and sometimes we do this with out thinking.
Even though Bella knows that Edward is attracted to her because of the smell of her blood and for that reason he feels very attached to her, but could this be mistaken for love and lust?
It seems to me that Bella's senses are blurred by the lust and wanting of something so charming and mysterious, that she only thinks with her heart, not her head. She doesn't take into consideration what could happen if it got out of control or if she got into danger. It's like the bad side has kicked the good side off her shoulder and that something is controlling her that she can't help.

This is a common problem in many people (not falling in love with vampires), they think that everything will be fine even though they know deep inside their hearts that they are not good for each other. The go for the chase not thinking about anyone else other then themselves. Bella did not think of her family and friends when she made the decision to be with Edward, therefore, she will have to deal with a consequences of her actions.
An example of her realizing that she may have made the wrong decision in the movie is after the no-mad vampires had discovered that she is human and they are chasing her and Alice is driving her to an airport, she is driving past her friends when it goes into slow motion, showing all her friends laughing and walking out of a shop, looking like a happy tight knit group. This shows us that for a second she regretted ever making a decision to be part of the Cullen family because of the trouble she was getting in and it made her realize that she could of had a normal life if she chose it.
So, what makes Edward so attractive that it makes every girl's heart in the audience skip a beat?
Well he's good looking with messy but tidy hair, a masculine jaw line, plump lips and smoldering eyes, but when you really look past it, he's arrogant, blood thirsty, a stalker and a little bit mean., but yet we still love him. He says he's a killer and a monster and that we should not trust him, but this just makes us want him more. Why? Because it is our human nature to want the 'bad boy'. He's dark and mysterious and there is always a dangerous element there but your lust for him is blocking your sense of what is right and what is wrong. You don't realize what influence he might have on you because you are so fixated on the 'good' things that they hide the very obvious bad things.

In conclusion, this movie is seen through Bella Swan's eyes so we see everything she see's. So if she looks past all of his bad points and ways, so will we. The character of Bella was made as plain, simple and uncomplicated as possible so that many of us girls can relate to her. We are, as woman, created to be attracted to the mysterious man. The man who can seem so perfect but also has a danger that we can not quite get hold of. In theory, I do understand Bella's absolute fixation for Edward but when you analyze her decisions and looks past how perfect he is, you can see all the warning signs flashing saying "stay away".

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