Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Task 2

Reading one: Twilight

Themes and ideas: Choices

Twilight is a film about a 17 year old girl called Bella Swan who moves to rainy and cold, Forks, Washington from sunny and dry, Phoenix, Arizona. She is a smart girl but shy and clumsy but everyone seems to want to be her friend. When she meets a charming but very mysterious boy called Edward Cullen and his equally mysterious family, she becomes enveloped in a world of wonder, love and lust. There was something about them that was different though... they were Vampires. This fact didn't seem to bother her so much as she was willing to do anything to turn into a vampire her self so she could be with Edward forever. This leads her into trouble when a tribe of no-mad vampires turn up and trys to hunt Bella down, causing considerable damage and almost killing her.

There is no distinctive main theme in this film but one that really stands out is the choices people make. Bella has the choice whether she wants to live a normal life with a normal family and growing old , but she can also choose and immortal life and lives with the Cullens for eternity and be this perfect creature with the power to do a lot of things. But these choices come with consequences. If she decides to stay mortal AND stay with Edward she will grow old while he will forever be 17, even when she is 80, but if she turns immortal she will always be with Edward who she loves so much but have a thirst for blood and have to leave her family and friends forever to hide her secret, which would be heartbreaking for her and them.

This theme teaches young teenagers (or who ever watches this movie) that the choices you make can have a great impact on everything you do. It could make your life amazing or it can completely ruin it. Thinking over what choices you make is a must because deciding these things on impulse might seem like a great idea at the time but can have dire consequences. For example in Twilight when Bella thought she got a call from her Mum, but it was actually a call from the Vampire that wanted to kill her and had told her that he had her Mum hostage in her old ballet studio, Bella had to make a quick decision that could mean the difference between life and death, either it was to save her mother from the monster and risk losing her life or save her own life and lose her mother. As a loving and caring daughter she chose to go to the Ballet studio to save her mother only to find out that her mother wasn't actually there, and it was just James luring Bella in to kill her. This decision that Bella made had to be quick and she didn't have time to think it out but she did the right thing, even though her mother was not in danger at all, but it shows that she is not selfish and is willing to sacrifice her life over others.
The theme of 'Choices' in this movie is quite broad and has many aspects to it. Another choice that has a big part in the film is the decisions the Cullen's made to only drink animal blood instead of human blood. They made this decision based on what is good for the community around them and that means they can learn to suppress their appetite a lot more around humans and that they can learn not to be monsters and pretend to be normal people fitting into a normal society.

In conclusion, the theme of 'choices' is heavily influenced in this film. A lot of choices had to be made and a lot of them with large consequences. The theme teaches the audience that you always have to think about the choices you are making in life because they can have a big impact on everything you do. This is being shown by the choices that Bella has to make and the choices that the Cullen's had to make about their life style, some for the better some for the worse.

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