Thursday, March 31, 2011

Task one


Camera Movement

In Twilight, Catherine Hardwicke uses various types of camera movement to get different results in her film. One of the most used and effective camera movement was achieved by using hand held cameras so the camera is not steady and it gives the effect of the audience being in the scenes like they are just sitting there observing it, almost from a point of veiw from the audience. An example of this is when Bella and her PE class are playing volleyball and the camera is moving rapidly and sharply between people passing the ball, giving us the effect of a head moving to keep up with the action of the game and it also make the scene look more intense and gives it more action.

Another camera movement Catherine Hardwicke uses is the use of panning. She uses this a lot instead of cutting because it's easier to keep track on what's going on instead of having flashing images. She uses this a lot when there is a conversation going on between many people. In Twilight she uses this camera movement effectively when Bella and her friends from school were outside of her car talking, there were about five of them. using a mid shot and panning around each of them as they talked (especially is they talked very briefly was a very effective way of keeping track and making the audience finding out who is talking when a lot simpler.

Hardwicke also used this camera movement effectively at the start of the movie when Bella and her Dad are inside of the police car on their way to his house in Forks, Washington. Hardwicke uses the technique of narrative dialouge with Bella talking to give us a better sense of what's going on and so she can give us more infomation about things. In the car, Bella say's in her narrative dialouge "and this is my Dad, Charlie". Iniatially the camera is facing Bella through the front window and as she says this line the camera quickly pans over to her father Charlie, introducing him so the audience can get more familiar with who is he as she starts explaining what he does etc

Watch from 2.29

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